Hong Kong-based Sinclair Communications is a well respected Public Relations firm and a leader in the field of media communications within the Asian region. Collaborating with clients in the Creative, Lifestyle, Travel, and Non-Profit space, Sinclair's new headquarters was designed to reflect the Client's stature and position in the industry, allowing for flexibility and growth in the years to come. It was the intention of the design to create a clean and useful space for daily work while setting a fresh stage for collaborative encounters between team members internally and with working teams outside the office.
位於香港的Sinclair Communications是一家備受推崇的公關公司,也是亞洲地區媒體傳播領域的領導者。 Sinclair長期與不同領域的客戶合作,涵括創意,生活方式,旅遊和非營利等方面;而新總部旨在反映客戶在行業中的聲望和地位,展望未來幾年內實現靈活性和增長。設計目的是為公司團隊的日常工作創造一個整潔而實用的空間,同時為內部成員和辦公室外的工作團隊之間的會面和協作創造一個新的舞台。